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Moabit Goods Station

The place from which most of the Berlin Jews were deported was Moabit goods station. It was also known as Putlitzstrasse station, Quitzowstrasse station or just Moabit station. Located in the north of the district, […]

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Escape into Illegality

By the time the deportations began, about one third of all Jews had managed to flee out of Germany. In Berlin, the number of Jews went down by more than half, from around 160,000 to […]

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Moabit Hospital

You are now outside Turmstrasse 21 in front of the former main entrance to Moabit Hospital, which was closed in 2001. In 1872, city councillor Rudolf Virchow had barracks for a provisional plague hospital built […]

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Synagogues in Hansaviertel

You heard a few things about the big synagogue in Levetzowstrasse at the start of this walk. There were however another two synagogues and plans for construction of a fourth, more orthodox synagogue in this […]

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Heilandskirche (Church of the Redeemer)

How did the congregation and ministers of Christian churches react to the persecution of Jewish fellow citizens?Rejection of democracy, exaggerated nationalism, and religiously founded anti-Semitism were as common among Christians as other groups, and the […]

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Werner Scharff’s Story

In Moabit, there was resistance against deadly anti-Semitism and persecution during the Nazi Reich. For example, many persecuted Jews were hidden in people’s homes. Under the conditions at the time, this was already extremely risky, […]

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Surviving bombardment

Once airplanes had been invented, it became part of war strategy to terrorise enemies’ civilian populations with massive bomb drops. The idea is that they are supposed to turn against their own government. To disguise […]